We help individuals and organizations determine the messages and the tone they need to achieve results.

Issues Management
Public Relations

COVID, BI and takeaways from the 9/11 lawsuit: An interview with someone who was there
Stephen Dishart served as Managing Director of Corporate Communication and HR for Swiss Re’s Americas Division at the time of the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001.
International Teaching of Seminars on Crisis Management

Dishart CCMC, LLC is an international group of senior professionals with extensive experience managing high-level organizational communications challenges and helping individuals protect and enhance their reputation.
Why choose us?
  • We handle complex, sensitive and urgent issues worldwide
  • From developing reputation enhancement & protection plans to building presence in new markets
  • We work for some of the world’s largest financial institutions
  • We help not-for-profits find new audiences by helping to develop images, brands and messages that fit today’s fast-moving demands
  • We have global experience with international affiliates to handle internal and external communications matters that cross geographic and cultural boundaries
  • We merge strategy and practice
  • We help you FIND YOUR VOICE

Client Testimonials